Katie Gardner Counsellor CBT/NLP/TA -
Website by Associated Media
“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean, in a drop” -
Do you feel you have tried just about everything to make yourself feel "better"? From giving yourself a stern talking-
We all bury things. Things we don't really want to face, realities we don't really want to acknowledge. It's all pretty scary stuff, even for the toughest of us.
You are not alone.
Statistically, 1 in 4 people will experience some form of emotional health difficulty in the course of a year*
Anxiety is one of the most prevalent emotional health problems globally, yet it is still under-
Perhaps you just feel permanently exhausted or overwhelmed by life; you might be finding it impossible to talk to family or friends for fear of burdening or hurting them. Perhaps you even feel that they contribute to your problems?
Painful experiences from the past, difficulties in the present, or worries about the future may leave you unable to enjoy life to the full or to achieve your aims and potential.
All these things can lead you to feeling overwhelmed, insecure, fretful and unable to see a way out of it.
Freedom from these anxieties is possible. With a little clarity and insight you can move forward. Can’t see how? Well, believe it or not, you already know the answers – we just need to get your mind quiet enough for you to hear them for yourself. That’s where counselling comes in.
CBT is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and act. It has been evidentially shown to help tackle a myriad of mental health difficulties. CBT aims to get you to a point where you can tackle your difficulties without a therapist, within just a few sessions.
It is empowering, sustaining and positive. And it works.
Well it's certainly worth a try anyway. Isn't it?